The New Patriotic Party (NPP) Parliamentary Candidate (PC) for Amenfi East in the Western Region, Ernest Frimpong, has urged illegal miners locally referred to as ‘galamseyers’ to resist any attempt by the military or any security officer to stop them from doing their work. Mr. Frimpong says neither the military nor any security operative currently wields the power to stop anyone from engaging in illegal mining. “We have cancelled Operation Galamstop and the soldiers who have been tormenting you. So, officially, they don’t have any mandate to do that again,” the PC stated. He has asked his constituents to fight back the officers whenever they make any attempts to intimidate them since they have no such authority. In a video going viral on social media, the parliamentary candidate, together with the Western Regional Minister, Kwabena Okyere Darko Mensah and the MCE, is found engaging some galamseyers where Mr. Frimpong told them nobody can infringe on their right to mine. He advised the illegal miners to treat soldiers who are on a patrol well, admonishing them to even give them tips if they so wish. However, if there is any that wants to seize their equipment and stop them for the mere fact that he is security officer, they should fight him and he will be there to defend them. “But if anyone comes and orders you out for the mere purpose that he is a soldier, do not look at the uniform he is wearing, if he hits you, hit him back, fight him and I will come there. Oh yes, we won’t tolerate those things. “If he came on a patrol, then he is passing by, and that is why we are telling you that we have revoked the authority they had to arrest you. If you are doing illegal and he comes to arrest you, he is also doing illegal so arrest him back,” he admonished.