Youth of Nzema have called for air quality monitoring devices to be installed in catchment areas of some extractive sector firms as they complain of increase in lung diseases, among other deadly consequences. According to the youth, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has failed to ask Ghana National Gas Company, ENI, Quantum Terminals and Meridian Power to install the devices in the three districts within which they operate. The youth say the devices should be installed as a matter of urgency and in compliance to international safety conditions. “We the teeming youth are urging government to use her discretionary power to compel these industries to install this Air Quality Monitoring station,” the youth demanded in a statement issued and copied to “Ghana National Gas Company should lead by example. As the mother company responsible for Ghana’s natural gas drive, we expect them to install this Air Quality Station to feed the various local communities with the index because there is increase in Respiratory and preterm deliveries which we think is associated with the emissions of Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen oxide, sulphur and etc. These gases are dangerous to our life.” They expressed surprise an air quality monitoring device has rather been installed in Accra, which does not even have a natural gas plant. “With the rise in pollution levels, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, cardiovascular problems, and lung cancer are becoming more prevalent, thus driving the growth of air quality monitoring device in the gas enclave on Nzemaland.” Meanwhile, a group calling itself Concerned Nzema Management Scientists have backed the calls by the Nzema youth. They want the EPA and the Energy Ministry to work swiftly to meet their demands.