As part of government's efforts to combat the spread of new COVID-19 waves in the country, the giant Waste Management company in Ghana and West Africa, Zoomlion Ghana Limited has carried out disinfection exercise in all Police installations within the Ahafo Region. The Deputy Ahafo Regional Police Commander, ACP Andrews Boadu-Ekumah in an interview disclosed that, since the inception of COVID-19 in Ghana, no Police personnel in the Ahafo Region have contracted the virus. He attributed the success to the strict adherence of COVID-19 protocols by personnel in the Region and the timely intervention of the first disinfection exercise instituted by the Inspector General of Police (IGP) and carried out by Zoomlion Ghana Limited. The Deputy Commander lamented that, the IGP through the regional Police Commander, DCOP Dr Ernest Kwabena Owusu saw the need to enforce the safety protocols and protected the lives and property of the institution, hence the disinfection exercise. According to ACP Andrews Boadu-Ekumah, through the effort of the police, the people of Ahafo region are adhering to the various safety protocols and those who prove difficult would be dealt with iron hands The disinfection exercise he stated is taking place in areas such as; the Regional Police Headquarters, Divisional Police Headquarters and District. Others are; Akrodie Police Station, Asumura Police Station, Fawohoyadin Police Station, Ayomso Police Station, Mim Police Station,Gambia No 2 Police Station and Kasapin Police Station. The Zonal Manager of Zoomlion Ghana Limited in the Ahafo Region, Mr Edward Ziddah called on households, churches, and companies to engage with Zoomlion to disinfect their facilities and also entreated citizens to abide by all the COVID-19 safety protocols.
He said the office have deployed 30 to 40 personnel to disinfect over 50 police facilities in the region. According to Mr Ziddah, since the outbreak of Covid-19 in the country, non of the spraying guards or workers of Zoomlion in the region have tested positive to the virus. The Police-Zoomlion National disinfection exercise was launched in 2020 at the National Police Training School, Tesano in Accra to ensure that all police training schools (depots), police stations, barracks and their markets, offices, cells among other installations are disinfected. At the launch, the Inspector General of Police (IGP), James Oppong-Boanuh, underscored that the disinfection exercise has become very crucial, following the Covid-19 global pandemic spread. He was particularly happy for the long-standing relationship and collaboration between the Police Administration and Zoomlion Ghana Limited. Zoomlion Ghana Limited over the years the IGP indicated, has partnered the Police Service in several clean-up exercises across the country saying, the results have been overwhelming. The disinfection of Police installation agreement, was signed between the Police Administration and Zoomlion Ghana Limited against the spread of COVID-19. The Police-Zoomlion National disinfection exercise was launched in 2020 at the National Police Training School, Tesano in Accra to ensure that all police training schools (depots), police stations, barracks and their markets, offices, cells among other installations. At the launch, Mr Oppong-Boanuh explained that, the exercise was one of the measures put in place by the central government to ensure that COVID-19 frontline workers and their families are protected while discharging their statutory duties. He was particularly happy for the long-standing relationship and collaboration between the Police Administration and Zoomlion Ghana Limited. He assured police personnel, especially those helping in the war against the virus of appropriate measures being put in place to support them from contracting the virus, and also treat any officer who may be infected in the course of duty.