A storm surge has destroyed canoes and nets of about six fishing companies at Vodza in the Keta Municipal Assembly of the Volta Region. According to the Chief Fisherman at Vodza, Mr. Agbezudor Joshua Korsi, the raging waves destroyed items with estimated cost running into thousands of Ghana cedis. He said in a statement copied to ghenvironment.com that “As we reported on the 24th and 26th April, 2022, respectively canoes and fishing nets had been destroyed by the raging waves, with estimated cost running into thousands of Ghana cedis. As the Chief fisherman, (Mr Joshua Korsi Agbezudor), I can confirm to that Ghc 259,690.00 as the total cost of damages caused by the storm”. He said, the storm had taken their source of livelihood away from them since the canoes and nets were the things they relied on to work for a living. He has therefore appealed to the Municipal Director NADMO-Keta, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, the Volta Regional Minister, MP for Keta, the MCE for Keta and benevolent organizations to come to our aid by assisting us with outboard motors, nets and soft loans to repair our fishing gears.
Below is the full statement by the affected victims copied to the various agencies and institutions for help. We are saddened and devastated by the damages caused to six fishing companies at Vodza in the Keta Municipality of the Southern Volta Marine, Ghana. As we reported on the 24th and 26th April, 2022, respectively canoes and fishing nets had been destroyed by the raging waves, with estimated cost running into thousands of Ghana cedis. As the Chief fisherman, (Mr Joshua Korsi Agbezudor), I can confirm to that Ghc 259,690.00 as the total cost of damages caused by the storm. I can also confirm that the storm had really taken our source of livelihood away from us since the canoes and nets were the things, we relied on to work out a living. We are accordingly appealing to the Municipal Director NADMO-Keta, Hon. Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, the Volta Regional Minister, MP for Keta, the MCE for Keta and benevolent organizations to come to our aid by assisting us with outboard motors, nets and soft loans to repair our fishing gears. We are also extending our appeal for support to the financial institutions to come to our aid by giving us soft loans to get back to our normal businesses to feed our families and the nation. Below are the names of the net and canoe owners and cost of damages: 1.Company Name: Kaleawo #1 Registration number VR- KE-045-V OZ Cost of Damage, Canoe: Ghc 23,460.00 Cost of Damage, Net: Ghc. 127,460.00 Total Cost: Ghc 150,920.00 2. Company Name: Wonderful Jesus Registration number: VR- KE-037-V OZ Cost of Damage, Canoe: Ghc.15,920.00 Cost of Damage, Net: Ghc 15,710.00 Total Cost: Ghc31,630.00 3. Company Name: Torgbui Evo Registration number VR-KE 046-V OZ Cost of Damage, Canoe: Ghc 7,860.00 Cost Damage, Net: Ghc 6,000.00 Total Cost Ghc13,860.00 4. Company Name: Power of God (ROHI) Registration number VR-KE 028-V OZ Cost of Damage, Canoe: Ghc 6,120.00 Cost of Damage, Net: Ghc 18,200.00 Total Cost Ghc 24,320.00 5. Company Name: Mekordome Registration number VR-KE 032-V OZ Cost of Damage, Net: Ghc 25,100.00 Total Cost Ghc 25,100.00 6. Company Name: Etornam Registration number VR-KE 002-DEN Cost of Damage Canoe: Ghc 7,860.00 Cost of Damage, Net: Ghc 6,000.00 Total Cost Ghc 13,860.00. We believe that helping us to get our sources of livelihood back is a call on us all as a country. God bless our homeland Ghana Yours humbly, Mr. Agbezudor Joshua Korsi Chief fisherman Vodza