Climate Change & Energy
Covid-19 Restrictions: Elephants Take Over Mole Motel Over Low Patronage
Source: - March 15, 2021

Elephants walking at the Mole motel
The Mole Motel situated in the heart of the Mole National Park in the Savannah region of Ghana is widely known to offer a peaceful relaxation setting for tourists, while they enjoy the true charm of wildlife safari in Ghana’s largest National Park.
But, the usual 10,000 plus monthly visitors to the Park are no more since the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic with its restrictions and other social distancing protocols, creating low patronage and quite atmosphere at the Motel.
Known as the hotspot for elephant conservation, the African elephants in the Mole National Park have taken advantage of the low patronage at the Motel and have on several occasions been sighted at the premises experiencing the rare opportunity of life with hardly any humans around.
The Park is noted for having a unique breed of elephant, which are not hostile and aggressive, compared to other elephant populations in the rest of Africa, and they are said to stay longer at the Motel in their numbers enjoying some of its facilities like drinking from the swimming pool.
“The elephants also find the premises more enticing due to the abundance of overgrown Milk Bush plants which are their delicacy and they have made the place an everyday venue where they gather to enjoy the quite atmosphere at the Motel, something uncommon when there was no Covid-19 or any restriction and the place was busy”, a tour guide told
Hope to bounce back
The Mole Motel started operations after the Park which was temporarily closed down on 23rd March, 2020, as result of the Covid-19 pandemic, resumed its operations and opened now to tourists.
A statement posted on its website said, management of the Motel has put in place several safety protocols on the spread and prevention of the coronavirus at the facility, in accordance with the guidelines of the World Health Organisations, Ghana Health Service and the Ghana Tourist Board.
The statement said, management has created a protected and safe environment for all visitors to which they can safely return to the Mole National Park and the Motel for ecotourism activities.
“We are also ensuring the practice of social distancing and wearing of face masks and have put into practice the situation where staff and customers would stand 6 feet apart during any interaction, with hand washing, sanitizers and temperature scan also available at the facility. Management is also ensuring that there is enhanced cleaning and disinfection of the facility on regular basis”, the statement assured.
About the Mole National Park
Mole National Park (pronounced ‘Moh-lay’), the nature lover’s treasure trove, is located within the Savannaland.
As a Tourism Destination Area, Mole is Ghana’s first, largest and most prestigious protected area. The Park is managed mainly for its outstanding natural, physical, historical and cultural values. It covers an area of 4,577 km2 of fairly undisturbed Guinea savannah in the northern part of Ghana.
Mole is rich in biodiversity and home to some 742 vascular plant species, over 90 mammal species including 5 primate species, of which species of conservation and tourist interest include Elephant, Buffalo, Kob, Western Hartebeest, Roan Antelope, Defassa Waterbuck, Oribi, Bohor Reedbuck and Red-flanked Duiker. Rare and endangered species include the Yellow-backed Duiker, Black and White Colobus Monkey, Leopard and Lion. The Park is also home to 334 bird species, 33 reptiles, 9 amphibian species, and some 120 butterfly species.
The Park has the most viable elephant population in Ghana, and as such, is a hotspot for elephant conservation. It is also said that the Park has a unique breed of elephant, which are not hostile, not aggressive or insecure, compared to other elephant populations in the rest of Africa.