The new Yagbonwura, Jirah Yagbonwura Bii-Kunuto Jawu Soale I says, he would consult with the elders and sons of the Gonja Kingdom to re-activate the ban on commercial charcoal burning and the harvesting of other commercial trees including rosewood. In a speech read on his behalf at his outdooring by his spokesperson, Benkrowura Seidu Saaka Bakari, the Yagbonwura said the Yagbonwura and his Council of Elders and the sons of the Gonja Kingdom will prescribe severe punishment for whoever flout its decision in this matter. Yagbonwura said; "Gonjaland is the home of the biggest Game Reserve in Ghana if not the whole of West Africa. It had until a couple of years ago the highest concentration of the Shea nut tree in Ghana, if not the whole of West Africa". Yagbonwura said commercial trees such as the dawadawa, kapok, rosewood, etc. which could be found in almost every part of the Kingdom and which support the livelihood of women, are now a rare in sight. The Overlord of Gonja said "indiscriminate felling of trees by Commercial charcoal burners and harvesting of rosewood has put our environment in a situation that this Kingdom will no longer tolerate". Jirah Yagbonwura Bii-Kunuto Jawu Soale I assured that, his outfit would issue the ban again after consultation to protect the environment.
Failed earlier ban
In October 2021, the Savannah Regional House of Chiefs banned commercial charcoal burning, fuel-wood and rosewood harvesting activities in the region. The move, according to the late president of the House, Yogbonwura Tuntumba Boresa II, was to curb the gradual depletion of the region’s forest cover. He further asked the government to intensify the implementation of programmes and initiatives that protect and sustainably managed the country’s forests. Not long after the ban, it was lifted and the destruction continued unabated. But the Spokesman of the current Yagbonwura is assuring that, the ban when announced would be enforced to the fullest.