The Minister for Lands and Natural Resources has thanked Mamponghene, Daasabre Osei Bonsu II, for preventing illegal mining, popularly known as galamsey from gaining roots in his traditional area. The Minister was speaking at a durbar in Mampong on the sidelines of the 1st Akwasidae Festival in 2023, hosted in the Ashanti Region. He on behalf of the Ministry, appreciated the King for his support, advice and encouragement throughout his tenure of office as Minister for Lands and Natural Resources. He indicated that the King has exhibited so much concern towards his Ministry with regards to the issue of galamsey saying "If there has been a King in Ghana who has really fought to ensure that galamsey does not gain roots in his traditional area, it is the Mamponghene and for this I'm much grateful to him." Mr Jinapor informed the King that due to his good counsel and support, his work at the Lands Ministry has been recognised by the government culminating in him being awarded additional responsibility as caretaker Trade and Industry Minister. The Minister in his submission called for peace and togetherness between the governing party and opposition party, even as the elections year approaches. The Mamponghene and occupant of the Silver Stool Daasabre Osei Bonsu II applauded the Lands Minister for his efforts so far at the Ministry. He said he will continue to support the minister to succeed adding that, he is fully aware that the Minister has just begun his political carrier and cited the Chinese proverb of "a journey of a thousand miles start with a step". He said he is confident the Land Minister will go far in his career ambition and with the help of God succeed.