In recognition of World Wetlands Day on Feb. 2, Eco-Conscious Citizens, a non-profit organization has been raising awareness among students of the La Wireless Cluster of Schools about the significance of wetlands and the urgent need to protect them. As part of the awareness creation program, the students were sensitized about the importance of the Kpeshie Lagoon located in the La Dadekotopon Municipal area and the encroachment ongoing over there. With the imminent danger facing the La community and Ghana as a whole as a result of the encroachment at the Kpeshie Lagoon, the students after the sensitization program by Eco-Conscious Citizens declared their readiness to write a letter to the appropriate authorities—such as Members of Parliament, Assemblyman, and other regulators overseeing the Kpeshie area— to help stop any ongoing construction on the wetlands. World Wetlands Day is celebrated each year on 2nd February to raise awareness about wetlands. This day also marks the anniversary of the Convention on Wetlands, which was adopted as an international treaty in 1971 and a United Nations International Day since 2022. The theme of World Wetlands Day this year is “Wetlands and Human Wellbeing”. Ghana is home to several notable wetlands, including the Kpeshie Lagoon at Tse Addo, the Sakumono Ramsar site, Songor Lagoon, Densu Delta Ramsar Site, Muni-Pomadze Lagoon in the Central Region, Keta Lagoon in the Volta Region, and Owabi Wildlife Sanctuary Ramsar Site in the Ashanti Region. Awula Serwah, Founder of Eco-Conscious Citizens said, “Ghana is facing a pressing challenge of illegal activities, such as filling and building on wetlands, which contribute to the severe flooding witnessed in recent years. It is crucial for individuals, communities, and authorities to come together to combat these environmental vandals and protect these precious ecosystems”.
“By educating students and creating awareness with the help of the media, Eco-Conscious Citizens is paving the way for a sustainable future. I believe together, we can preserve Ghana's wetlands and safeguard our environment for generations to come. Remember, every small action counts when it comes to protecting our wetlands. Let's join hands and make a difference” she added.